
Trump Turbocharges Past Biden: 2024’s Political Thriller Unfolds!

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a thrilling showdown between President Joe Biden and the one and only former, and possibly future, President Donald Trump! It’s like a political sequel that’s even more dramatic than the original!

Less than two months before the Iowa Republican caucus on January 15th, Trump is not just leading the race for the GOP nomination – he’s practically lapping the competition with a close to 50-point lead. It’s like watching a race between a speed-demon sports car and a rusty old go-kart!

According to RealClearPolitics (RCP), Trump is currently ahead of Biden by +2.6. In November, out of 17 polls conducted, Trump is coming out on top in all but two of them. Even the polls that Biden managed to snag were by a slim margin. It’s kind of like that feeling you get when you’re desperately clinging to the edge of the pool after being caught in a game of Marco Polo – you’re almost out, but not quite!

The media can’t help but take notice of Biden’s downward spiral. Politico recently marveled at the “worsening polls for Biden,” highlighting November as a particularly rough month for the president. The report even had graphics showing Biden’s support slipping away like sand through his fingers.

And it’s not just that voters are turning their backs on Biden – they’re actually starting to cozy up to Trump. It’s like the voters are seeing Trump and thinking, “Hey, maybe this guy’s not so bad after all!”

And who could forget the young voters? They’re turning the tables on Biden and leaning towards Trump – a shocking turn of events! In a recent NBC News poll, Trump led Biden among voters younger than 35. That’s right, the young guns are shifting their support to Trump, much to the dismay of the Dems!

But wait, there’s more! Even The New York Times published an article discussing Biden’s struggles with young voters. The polls show that Biden’s grip on the young voting base is slipping, and it’s unclear how many will stick with him in the long run. It’s like watching a dramatic reality TV show, but this time, the stakes are the future of the country!

The narrative about Trump’s potential success with young voters is gaining momentum, like a snowball rolling down a hill. With each new poll, the possibility of Trump winning over the elusive young voter demographic becomes more and more credible. It’s like witnessing a political underdog story that just might come true!

And let’s not forget Biden’s approval ratings among young voters – they’re tanking faster than a lead balloon! Young people are not thrilled with the president, and it’s not just because of his stance on certain political issues – they’re even making viral TikTok videos about overpriced burgers! It’s like the young voters are sending a message loud and clear to Biden – “You’re not cutting the mustard, Mr. President!”

It’s time for the Democrats to wake up and smell the coffee – or maybe a $16 meal at McDonald’s – because the 2024 election is shaping up to be one wild ride. If the polls are any indication, Trump is giving Biden a run for his money, and the old “young people always vote Democrat” stereotype may be getting a reality check!

Written by Staff Reports

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