
Trump Unmasks Biden: Not Nice, Just Dumb and Dangerous!

Former President Donald J. Trump recently shared an interesting anecdote in an interview with Breitbart as he reflected on his knowledge of current President Joe Biden. Trump described Biden as a “very vicious guy” who lacks intelligence and is surrounded by radical left individuals that will ultimately bring about his downfall.

According to Trump, he knows Biden “very well,” having competed against him for the presidency and receiving more votes than in his first election. Trump highlighted that during dealmaking, one can truly understand a person, and in Biden’s case, he recognized the people surrounding him as “vicious” and willing to go to extreme lengths, potentially weaponizing governmental departments against their political opponents.

Furthermore, Trump emphasized that Biden’s purported image of being “nice” is deceptive, as he referred to an exchange with the late Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy, who reportedly labeled Biden as “the dumbest guy in the Senate.” According to Trump, Kennedy disclosed that Biden struggled to comprehend complex concepts and policies, illustrating his lack of understanding in areas such as taxes.

Furthermore, Trump asserted that Kennedy revealed a more disingenuous side to Biden’s demeanor, characterizing him as “hale and hearty and well-meant,” despite his alleged deficiencies in intellect and policy understanding.

In summary, Trump’s remarks shed light on his perception of Biden, portraying the current president as being both intellectually deficient and surrounded by individuals with pernicious intentions, as illustrated through his anecdote about Ted Kennedy’s assessment of Biden’s capabilities.

Written by Staff Reports

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