
Trump Verdict: Fraud or Witch Hunt? Judge Cancels Permits, Ignores Real Success

In a jaw-dropping verdict that has sent shockwaves through the liberal media, Judge Arthur Engoron ruled on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump has been guilty of committing fraud. And you know what? It’s just another pathetic attempt by the left to smear Trump’s name and undermine his successful real estate empire.

This whole thing started with New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James, who has made it her personal mission to take down Trump. She filed a civil case accusing Trump of providing misleading information to banks and insurance companies. But let me ask you this: since when did being a savvy businessman become a crime?

According to the court filing, Trump allegedly overvalued his assets and inflated his net worth in official documents. So what if he exaggerated a little? Everyone knows that in the world of real estate, you have to talk big to get big deals. And let’s not forget that Trump’s annual net worth was reportedly inflated by a measly 17-39%. Who cares? That’s just chump change for a billionaire like Trump.

But James isn’t satisfied with just bringing Trump to court. Oh no, she’s out for blood. She’s seeking $250 million in fines and wants to kick Trump out of New York altogether. This is nothing more than a political witch hunt disguised as justice. It’s clear that James is just trying to score brownie points with her fellow Democrats by taking down one of the most successful businessmen of our time.

Now, here’s where things start to get really ridiculous. Judge Engoron not only ruled against Trump but also called for the cancellation of his business permits. Are you kidding me? This is a blatant abuse of power. What gives Engoron the right to dictate which businesses can operate? This is America, where free enterprise should be celebrated, not stifled by biased judges.

And let’s not forget Engoron’s snarky little comment in his ruling. He compared Trump’s world to a “fantasy world” and claimed that Trump’s financial statements couldn’t be relied upon. Well, Judge Engoron, maybe you should take a look at the booming economy that Trump built during his presidency. The banks were compensated, and they even profited under his leadership. So what’s the problem here?

But the story doesn’t end with this ruling. Engoron is set to hold a trial in October to determine the validity of the claims against Trump. It’s clear that this is just a never-ending circus orchestrated by Trump’s political enemies. They can’t stand the fact that he was a successful businessman who became president and delivered real results for the American people.

In the face of these baseless allegations, Trump has maintained his innocence. He rightly points out that the banks were fully aware of the situation and were compensated accordingly. But Judge Engoron seems to think that disclaimers on financial statements are some kind of magic shield that can protect against false accusations. Sorry, Judge, but that’s not how the real world works.

Once again, the left is using the justice system to go after their political opponents. It’s a dangerous precedent that threatens the very foundation of our democracy. We must stand strong against these biased judges and their partisan agenda. The American people elected Donald Trump to be their president, and no amount of liberal witch hunts will change that.

Written by Staff Reports

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