
Trump vs Harris in 2024 Will the Supreme Court Decide the Winner

The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be an electrifying showdown between the rock-solid former President Donald Trump and the current Vice President Kamala Harris. Brace for impact in those swing states, where the outcome could swing the election in either direction, but who are we kidding? If anyone can navigate the minefield of electoral disputes, it’s Trump, especially with a Supreme Court that looks favorably upon his past shenanigans.

Leftist outlets are already tripping over themselves to predict a potential election debacle, with The Guardian leading the charge. They seem positively panicked at the thought that the Supreme Court, thanks to its conservative majority, could hand Trump a pathway back to power. It’s almost as if they’re afraid of what would happen if the court sides with the rule of law instead of the whims of social justice warriors.

A piece by David Daley rambles through some outlandish hypotheticals, trying to conjure up images of Supreme Court chaos as if it were a prime-time television drama. He spins a tale of a mysterious fire at a voting center in Milwaukee that could send Republicans scrambling to the highest court in the land. But let’s face it—these scenarios are more about stoking the liberal fire than any real possibility. It’s pure speculation wrapped in a cozy blanket of fear-mongering.

Daley seems far too eager to jump to conclusions, weaving tales of Bush v. Gore as if it’s a sure bet for the 2024 election. According to him, any minor hiccup on Election Night is just a stepping stone for Republicans to set their sights on the Supreme Court. His fixation on the high court indicates more about his anxiety than any actual threat to democracy. In truth, many reasonable folks see the Supreme Court as a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority, not a political pawn ready to hand Trump the keys to the White House.

Furthermore, the attack on Chief Justice John Roberts is puzzling, given that Republicans have already benefited from several favorable rulings regarding voting rights. The notion that the court is laying the groundwork for disaster sounds like an event of wishful thinking rather than reality. Balancing the scales of justice requires an understanding of the rule of law, something Daley seems to overlook in his doomsday scenarios.

Ultimately, it’s clear that the left thrives on the sense of impending doom, revolving around the idea that the next president may not solely be chosen by voters, but by a Supreme Court they don’t control. Their wild imaginings reveal more about their fear of losing than any comeuppance for Trump. The only thing left to do is wait and watch how the 2024 election unfolds, preferably with popcorn in hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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