
Trump Wields Power of the People, Crushes Biden’s Funds in Blue State!

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign in Minnesota has managed to pull off a financial victory over President Joe Biden’s campaign. Despite the state’s strong Democratic leanings, Trump’s campaign has managed to raise an impressive $553,566 compared to Biden’s $391,867, according to Federal Election Commission records. Not only did Trump’s campaign raise more money, but it also garnered three times as many unique donors, with 1,317 supporters in Minnesota compared to Biden’s 466.

Interestingly, Biden’s fundraising in Minnesota has relied heavily on a small number of big-dollar donors. Only 58 Minnesotans donated the maximum amount allowed by federal law, which is $3,300, contributing a total of $191,400 to his campaign. This accounted for nearly half of Biden’s overall fundraising in the state. In contrast, only eight Minnesotans donated the maximum amount to Trump’s campaign. These large donors made up less than 5% of Trump’s fundraising in Minnesota.

The average donation to the Trump campaign was a modest $44, while the average Biden donor gave a significantly larger sum of $380, according to federal donation records. The median donations for the two campaigns were $22 and $100, respectively. This information suggests that Trump’s campaign has been able to engage a broader base of support, with smaller donations coming from a larger number of people.

Despite Minnesota’s historical preference for Democrats, Trump came close to winning the state in 2016 when he lost by a narrow margin of 50,000 votes. However, in the 2020 election, Trump’s performance in Minnesota worsened, losing to Biden by over seven points.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that both Trump and Biden utilize various fundraising avenues beyond their campaign committees. PACs associated with the candidates, such as the Biden Victory Fund and the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, draw in large sums through donations. In Minnesota, Biden raised $1,184,287, while Trump raised $954,828 when combining their campaign committees and associated PACs. This discrepancy can largely be attributed to a $350,000 donation from a PepsiCo board member to the Biden Victory Fund.

Overall, it is clear that Trump has been able to tap into a large and diverse base of support in Minnesota, with his campaign attracting more donors and raising more money than Biden’s campaign. Despite the state’s historical Democratic leanings, Trump’s previous strong performance and his ability to engage smaller donors have allowed him to maintain a competitive position in Minnesota.

Written by Staff Reports

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