
Trump’s 2024 Run Could Cement Conservative Supreme Court for Decades

One often-overlooked consequence of the 2016 election was the goldmine of conservative appointments that fell into the lap of former President Donald Trump. Thanks to a four-year term peppered with near-constant controversies and media meltdowns, Trump managed to nominate and secure the confirmation of three Supreme Court justices. If he plays his cards right and wins in 2024, history might just repeat itself, possibly allowing him to reshape the court even further with a solid majority of conservative justices that could last decades.

Speculation is rife among both Republicans and Democrats regarding the escalating stakes for the upcoming election. Many are whispering about the ripe opportunity for the next president to fill multiple vacancies on the Supreme Court. Republicans are practically drooling at the thought of Trump getting to gloat over the appointment of more than half of the Supreme Court’s justices. This dream scenario harkens back to the halcyon days of judicial conservatism, where originalists reigned supreme, and liberal-leaning justices were relegated to the sidelines.

Health concerns aside, the two justices seemingly closest to hanging up their robes are conservative heavyweights Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Looking at the age of the justices, it seems we could witness some significant turnover soon, especially if Trump returns to office. With a Republican-controlled Senate acting as a firm backstop, the likelihood of Trump filling at least one high court vacancy becomes increasingly probable. A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee hinted that the chance of at least one of those justices retiring is not just high—it’s extremely high. Oh, what a time to be alive for conservative legal enthusiasts!

Democrats, on the other hand, are already seeing shadows creeping across their political future. The prospect of Trump nominating more judges sends shivers down the spines of liberal lawmakers, some of whom are desperate to light a fire under their voter base to prevent this “nightmare” scenario from unfolding. A Democratic senator made it crystal clear: more Trump-nominated justices means a brutal series of rulings that could reverse precious legal precedents. The mere thought of losing even more ground in the courts is driving the left to seek “Supreme Court reform,” a euphemism for packing the court until it resembles a judges’ daycare where ideology reigns over jurisprudence.

There’s even chatter from Joe Biden’s camp, as if this turns into a medical drama for progressives worried about their party’s future. The President has made it known that the terrifying prospect of hearing from Trump’s pen in the Oval Office sends him into a frenzy of hypothetical progressive appointments. If that doesn’t scream desperation, what does? Perhaps Biden’s newfound focus on appointing “progressive judges” to balance the ideological scales is more about panic than strategy.

Adding to the discussion, conservative legal analysts reflect on the monumental impact Trump has had beyond just the Supreme Court—he’s left his mark on the federal appellate courts as well. Many are left wondering what a second Trump term could look like on the judiciary front. The prospect of “bolder” and “more fearless” federal judges being appointed fills conservative hearts with glee. If anything, the 2024 election may very well decide the ideological landscape of the country for generations, all hinging on whether conservatives can rally behind their champion, Trump, once more.

Written by Staff Reports

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