
Trump’s Tariff Tornado Takes Aim at China’s EV Threat

Oh boy, hold onto your hats, folks, because the U.S. automakers are letting it rip on the threat coming from our good friends over in China! Move over, President Trump, because these guys are dishing out some fiery warnings of their own.

The liberal media is at it again, whining and moaning about Trump’s tough talk. But hey, sometimes you gotta speak the truth, right? Trump wasn’t mincing words when he dropped the “bloodbath” bomb at a rally, warning China that they better not mess with our auto industry. And you know what? He’s got a point!

Trump laid down the law, saying he’s slapping a hefty 100% tariff on Chinese-made EVs if they try to sneak them into our market from Mexico. And he’s not playing around – he means business. The leftists may be clutching their pearls, but hey, tough times call for tough measures, right?

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough got all up in arms about it, tweeting and then deleting his tantrum. Oh, poor Joe, can’t handle a little truth bomb from our former President, huh? And of course, the Alliance For American Manufacturing had to chime in, painting a grim picture of China’s cheap labor threat. But hey, bloodbath sounds pretty accurate to me!

Even the United Auto Workers and the Big Three automakers are waving the red flag, shouting from the rooftops about the danger posed by Chinese EVs. Ford’s big shot even called it a “colossal strategic threat.” See, folks, it’s not just Trump talking smack – everyone’s seeing the writing on the wall!

So next time you hear the leftists whine about Trump’s “bloodbath” comment, just remember – sometimes a little tough talk is exactly what’s needed to keep our auto industry safe and sound. Let’s show China we mean business!

Written by Staff Reports

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