
Tucker Exposes Dem Attack on RFK Jr: Fearful of Success They Can’t Silence!

The Democrats' assault on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign was exposed in a recent episode of Tucker Carlson's program. Kennedy has been swiftly criticized by the media for his views on vaccine mandates and draconian COVID-19 restrictions. In the very first sentence of an article about Kennedy's presidential campaign, The New York Times absurdly criticized him for "relitigate[ing] COVID-19 shutdowns and shaking Americans' faith in science." According to CBS News and NPR, his views are "misleading and dangerous." Even the Los Angeles Times called him a "threat to democracy" This proves that the mainstream media is afraid of the success of President Kennedy Jr.

The liberal media have previously targeted Kennedy Jr. In 2005, Kennedy Jr. proposed a connection between the increase in autism cases and the schedule of required childhood vaccinations. The pharmaceutical lobby and both Rolling Stone and criticized his claims. They eventually retracted the article and increased the scrutiny against him, with accusations of misinformation leading to Instagram and YouTube censorship. He has been censored and silenced by the mainstream media in the past.

Kennedy Jr.'s recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast has only served to increase his public appeal, despite the backlash. His inquisitive nature and willingness to ask questions that others might avoid resonating with individuals who are growing increasingly disillusioned with dominant narratives. This has necessitated a public debate between Kennedy and Dr. Peter Hotez, an advocate for vaccines. Despite a considerable financial incentive for Hotez's favorite charity, he declined to debate Kennedy, comparing it to engaging with a Holocaust denier. This merely demonstrates that pro-vaccine advocates are hesitant to debate Kennedy.

Kennedy's rising popularity despite a lack of establishment platform support indicates a significant disconnect between public sentiment and the portrayal of public opinion by mainstream media. The refusal of figures such as Hotez to engage in public debate with dissenting voices raises questions regarding the nature of public discourse and the condition of democracy. Kennedy Jr.'s voice is the voice of the people, and the public is finally beginning to recognize his viewpoints. According to a survey conducted by The Economist, he is more popular and less despised than the two main party candidates. Despite the attempts of the media to muzzle him, President Kennedy Jr.'s campaign will only grow stronger.

Written by Staff Reports

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