
UN & Biden’s $1.6B Plan to Assist Illegals: Guess Who’s Paying?

Well, well, well, folks. It looks like we’ve got ourselves quite a situation here. Those sneaky illegal immigrants crossing our border aren’t just getting here on their own. Oh no, they’re getting a little help from their friends. And by friends, I mean the good ol’ United Nations. That’s right, the UN has partnered up with a group called the Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) to ensure that these lawbreakers have a smooth and comfortable journey into our country. And who’s funding this little escapade? You guessed it – the American taxpayer.

Now, if you’ve been paying attention to those news clips of the border crisis, you might have noticed something fishy. These illegals don’t exactly look like they’ve been through a tough and treacherous journey. In fact, they seem pretty well-fed and well-dressed. And don’t even get me started on their cell phones! How on earth did they afford those? Well, my friends, it turns out that the RMRP is handing out a whopping $1.6 billion in cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical care, shelter, and even “humanitarian transportation” to these so-called refugees. And who’s paying for it? Yep, you and me, the hardworking American taxpayers.

But don’t worry, it’s not just the United Nations taking our money. Oh no, they’ve enlisted the help of 200 non-profit organizations to distribute the goodies. And who’s supplying those non-profits with the cash? None other than the Biden administration. That’s right, folks. Our tax dollars are being funneled through the State Department to these faith-based groups who are more interested in helping illegal immigrants than they are in upholding the law.

Let’s take a look at some of the culprits, shall we? The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) received a cool $11 million from the State Department. And what are they doing with that money, you ask? Well, they’re handing out cash, cash vouchers, food, shelter, and more “humanitarian transportation” to these lawbreakers. And let’s not forget about the Seventh Day Adventists, who are spreading the wealth in Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Peru to the tune of $10 million in cash, vouchers, and other goodies.

But wait, there’s more! The Catholic-inspired group “Caritas” is dishing out $12.3 million in cash and vouchers, while the Lutheran World Relief got a sweet million-dollar grant to the tune of around $181,000 for immigrants in Central America. It’s like Christmas came early for these organizations, and we’re the ones footing the bill.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Our border is being overrun by illegal immigrants, and instead of securing it and enforcing our laws, the Biden administration is rolling out the red carpet for them. And they’re doing it with our hard-earned money. It’s a slap in the face to every American who plays by the rules and expects our leaders to do the same.

So, the next time you see those illegal immigrants on TV, thanking Joe Biden for their newfound freedom, just remember who’s really behind all this. It’s not Biden, it’s not the UN – it’s you, my friend. Your tax dollars are funding this mass illegal immigration, and it’s time to say enough is enough.

Becky Noble is a political writer who’s seen it all. And let me tell you, she’s not happy about this. She’s been calling out the hypocrisy of the left for over ten years, and she’s not about to stop now. So buckle up, folks, because Becky is about to give it to you straight. No fluff, no spin, just good old-fashioned truth. And if you want to keep up with her work, check out her Substack page “Gumshoe Politics” and her weekly podcast “In Your Face.” You won’t be disappointed.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take a cold shower after all this outrageous news. Stay strong, my fellow conservatives. We’ve got a battle ahead of us, but we won’t back down.

Written by Staff Reports

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