
UN Cozies Up to Terrorists, Funds Hate with YOUR Money!

Just when you thought the United Nations couldn’t sink any lower, another scandal rocks their already tarnished reputation. It turns out that the UN, yes, the same organization that claims to be all about peace and humanitarian aid, has been cozying up to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Can you believe it? Well, conservative Congressman Michael Waltz certainly can’t, and he’s demanding answers.

According to reports, hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have come forward, revealing that they were imprisoned and abused at the home of a teacher employed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). That’s right, folks, the very same UN agency that receives millions of American taxpayer dollars for so-called “humanitarian” purposes. It seems like our hard-earned money is being used to support terrorists rather than helping those in need.

But it doesn’t stop there. These shocking allegations only scratch the surface of a much deeper problem. It seems that UN officials are not only turning a blind eye to these atrocities but are also complicit in perpetuating anti-Israeli propaganda. Imagine teachers and staff of UNRWA openly praising Hamas’s acts of terrorism. It’s sickening! These supposed educators are brainwashing the next generation to hate Israel and perpetuate violence.

What’s even more alarming is the radicalization of the Palestinian population. It’s clear that the appetite for peace among Palestinians is virtually nonexistent. Images of Palestinian mobs harassing and attacking Israeli hostages prove that they have little interest in coexistence. Where are the condemnations from Palestinian groups or spokesmen? Nowhere to be found. It seems like they’re all too eager to glorify violence and perpetuate the conflict.

Thankfully, Congressman Waltz has taken action. He sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, demanding a thorough investigation into these shocking allegations. And he’s right to do so. It’s time for the UN to clean up its act. We cannot allow our taxpayer dollars to fund an organization that turns a blind eye to terrorism and spreads hatred against our strongest ally in the Middle East.

It’s refreshing to see that the Biden administration’s reversal of the Trump administration’s decision to halt contributions to UNRWA is facing pushback. The House has imposed new restrictions on funding, ensuring that UNRWA staff remains neutral, facilities are not used for military purposes, and financial transparency is maintained. These are common-sense measures that should have been implemented a long time ago.

The UN’s complicity with terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip is not only outrageous but also deeply concerning. It’s time for real accountability and for the UN to prove that it is indeed a force for good in the world. Until then, we must continue to support lawmakers like Congressman Waltz, who are fighting to ensure our taxpayer dollars are not wasted on funding terrorism.

Written by Staff Reports

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