
Union Boss Blasts Biden: Auto Workers Shift Gears Toward Trump!

The United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain has come out swinging against President Joe Biden, declaring that a “great majority” of American union workers in the auto industry will not be casting their votes in support of ol’ Joe. Fain made his bold proclamation to none other than conservative commentator Neil Cavuto, saying, “Look, let me be clear about this. A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden. Yes, some will. But that’s the reality of this.”

What’s the reason behind this union shake-up, you ask? Fain insists that the majority of UAW members are more concerned about their hard-earned paychecks and having an economy that works for them. And when it comes to comparing the two presidents, he believes the choice is crystal clear. In his view, Trump stands with the working class and labor, while Biden cozies up to the billionaire class – and that’s not just his base, that’s his bed!

But here’s the kicker – despite Fain’s claims and President Trump’s unwavering support for the American auto industry, the UAW has gone and endorsed Biden for reelection. Yes, you heard that right! They’re turning their backs on Trump, who’s been pushing to keep jobs in America and keep those plants humming, unlike Biden and his green energy agenda.

Speaking of that green agenda, Biden’s record on trade and China doesn’t exactly scream “America first.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has made it clear that the Biden administration isn’t keen on decoupling from China, and the Chinese Communist Party is laughing all the way to the bank. With China set to flood the U.S. market with cheap, subsidized electric vehicles (EVs), American auto workers are right to be worried about the future of their livelihoods.

Now, Trump has been a vocal critic of Biden’s EV mandates, warning that they could spell doom for American auto workers. He’s promised to put an end to those mandates and save those jobs from the chopping block. In fact, Trump has been the champion of the union vote, vowing to revive the American automobile industry and bring back those cherished blue-collar jobs. He’s not just talking the talk – he’s walked the walk, winning over a solid chunk of union households in critical states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in 2020.

So, whether it’s Fain’s fiery comments, Biden’s questionable endorsements, or Trump’s unwavering support for the American worker, one thing’s for sure – this election season is going to be one wild ride! And if Trump has anything to say about it, those American auto workers will be revving their engines all the way to the ballot box in support of four more years of “Make America Great Again”!

Written by Staff Reports

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