
Unraveling Biden’s 2024 Bid: Shaky Ground or Cognitive Decline?

The decline of Joe Biden is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day. From his confused ramblings about railroads over oceans to his physical collapse at the US Air Force Academy, it’s clear that he is not fit to be the leader of our country. And let’s not forget about his embarrassing performance in front of Israeli President Isaac Herzog, where he couldn’t string together a coherent sentence. It’s no wonder that his aides are being subjected to verbal abuse – they can’t keep up with his mental decline. They even have to ask someone to accompany them, acting as a shield from Biden’s fury. It’s a sad state of affairs in the Oval Office.

Last year, there were rumors about Biden’s age and lack of vigor, and even some grumblings among Democrats about his re-election chances. But instead of a red wave, the GOP fumbled the election cycle. Now with COVID over, Biden will have to do multiple events and campaign in various states, and it’s clear that he can’t handle it. He was already too tired to attend the NATO summit opening dinner after just three days of work. And while other candidates are spending millions on their campaigns, Biden has barely scratched the surface. It’s almost as if he knows he’s not going to be the nominee.

That brings us to Kamala Harris, who seems to be trying to boost herself by going after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. But let’s be real, Harris is unpopular and has limited support. The Democratic Party is more likely banking on California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has been making waves by traveling the country and picking fights with red-state governors. Say what you will about Newsom, but he’s a smooth talker and knows how to appeal to suburban women, who unfortunately play a big role in our national elections. If Newsom becomes the nominee, Republicans will have a much tougher challenge on their hands.

So why is Biden being so lackadaisical about his campaign? Well, there are two possibilities. One, he knows he’s not going to be the nominee. Two, he believes Donald Trump will be the nominee and he wants to run against him. Either way, it’s clear that Biden’s mental state and his 2024 campaign are both braindead. It’s time for the Democrats to find a new leader who is fit to lead our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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