
US Intel Asleep at the Wheel: Deadly Hamas Attack Unseen!

In a stunning display of incompetence, the National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby shamefully admitted on Sunday that the United States intelligence community was completely clueless about Hamas’ plans to launch a deadly attack on Israel back in October. It’s like they were all just playing detective with their eyes closed!

According to Kirby, the US intelligence community had absolutely no idea that the dastardly Hamas was plotting their vicious attack, despite reports that Israeli officials had gotten wind of the plan more than a year in advance. If the US had their act together, maybe they could have prevented the 1,200 Israeli deaths caused by the despicable Gaza-based militants. But no, they were too busy twiddling their thumbs and looking the other way.

Even Israeli officials confirmed that they had the plans in their possession, but apparently, that crucial information never made its way to the intelligence bigwigs in the US. What a colossal failure on their part!

And don’t even get started on the temporary ceasefire that recently ended, forcing Israel to release a boatload of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Hamas letting go of some hostages. Kirby couldn’t even give a straight answer about when the negotiations for a truce will pick up again. It’s like they’re making it up as they go along!

It’s mind-boggling to think that this is the best our country’s intelligence community can do. They’re supposed to be the ones keeping us safe, but it seems like they’re too busy napping on the job. It’s time for some serious accountability and a whole lot of shake-ups in the intelligence community. Let’s hope they get their act together before it’s too late!

Written by Staff Reports

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