
US to Russia: Clean Your Own Mess, Ukraine’s Battle Not Our Burden!

RedState writer Ward Clark has released an article that argues that the United States is not responsible for saving Russia from the effects of its own foreign policy decisions. Clark insists that, while Moscow’s decisions may create a mess in Eastern Europe, it is not a United States issue to intervene. The writer was responding to an argument by commentator Peter Juul that the US owes Ukraine support against Russia. However, Clark disagrees with Juul’s assertion that the US has a responsibility to help Ukraine win the war and blunt Putin’s aggression.

Clark contends that the focus of the US’s endgame in Ukraine should be the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over its entire internationally recognized territory. He dismisses the idea that the US should bail out Putin over the Ukraine land grab and argues that the United States should instead help Ukraine win the war and not preserve Russian power.

Clark continues that he does not see why the US should have more responsibility than other European nations in supporting Ukraine. The writer rebuts Juul’s proposed “Cashstream” pipeline that would send an unlimited flow of American taxpayer dollars to Kyiv. Clark argues that the US cannot afford such funding.

In sum, Clark maintains that the US is not responsible for ensuring Ukraine wins the war, and he counters a range of arguments that suggest the US has a direct role to play in Eastern Europe.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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