
Van Jones Trembles as Ramaswamy Drops Truth on Live TV!

In a jaw-dropping moment on CNN’s post-debate segment, liberal political commentator Van Jones showed his true colors as he trembled in fear while Vivek Ramaswamy fearlessly addressed controversial topics during the Republican debate. It seems like Jones couldn’t handle the truth being spoken by a confident conservative.

Jones, clearly feeling threatened, expressed his concerns about Ramaswamy’s powerful words, going as far as calling them “poison” and comparing him to a demagogue. But let’s be real here, folks. Ramaswamy is just speaking the truth that the liberals are too afraid to hear. Their delicate sensibilities can’t handle someone who doesn’t conform to their narrative.

During the debate, Ramaswamy caught everyone’s attention by calling out the three candidates for their betrayal of former President Donald Trump. And boy, did it sting! These candidates, who had once benefited from Trump’s support, money, and endorsements, turned their backs on him when it was politically convenient. It’s a prime example of their lack of loyalty and integrity.

But it doesn’t stop there. Ramaswamy boldly addressed the lies and deceit of the government, claiming that January 6th was an inside job and that the government had been lying about Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11 for two decades. Now that’s a truth bomb that must have sent shockwaves through the liberal establishment!

And let’s not forget about the Great Replacement theory that Ramaswamy mentioned. Sure, the mainstream media and the left like to dismiss it as a fringe idea, but maybe they’re just too scared to face the reality. The theory suggests that there is a deliberate plan to replace native populations with immigrants, specifically those from non-Western and non-white backgrounds. It may sound controversial, but the Democrats have been advocating for open borders and mass immigration for years, so it’s not too far-fetched to question their motives.

In the end, Ramaswamy called out the candidates for their opportunistic behavior, trying to appease Trump for their own political gain and then turning on him when it suited them. It’s a classic example of politicians putting their own interests above those of the American people. We need leaders who will stand by their principles, not just when it’s convenient.

So, while Van Jones may have been trembling in fear, real conservatives were thankful to Vivek Ramaswamy for fearlessly speaking the truth. It’s time for the liberals to wake up and realize that their narrative is unraveling, and the American people are ready for leaders who won’t back down in the face of adversity.

Written by Staff Reports

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