
Vance and Ramaswamy Torch Ohio Diversity Guru’s Tax-Funded “Racism”

An Ohio Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultant is under fire from conservative heroes J.D. Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy for writing a column in Forbes about “decentering whiteness.” Janice Gassam Ascre, the head of BWG Business Solutions, has ignited a state probe in Ohio to investigate whether she or her business received taxpayer money. Senator Vance is not holding back, calling it “racist and gross” and vowing to uncover any public funding Ascre’s “business” might have received.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also joined the fray, slamming Ascre’s column as “racism without the possibility of reverse racism.” The line has been drawn in the sand, and the conservative troops are rallying against the leftist forces of “decentering whiteness” in the workplace.

In her controversial column, Ascre argues for dismantling systems that prioritize “white dominant culture to the detriment of non-white groups and cultures” in US workplaces. She claims these systems lead to “inequity and injustice within” organizations. Ascre’s words are like a red flag to a bull for conservatives, as they see it as an attack on their beloved traditional values.

In typical conservative fashion, Senator Vance is leading the charge against Ascre, proclaiming that Forbes should be ashamed for publishing her column. His investigation into Ascre’s taxpayer funding raises the stakes, and it’s sure to rile up supporters who believe their hard-earned money shouldn’t be going towards anything that challenges the status quo.

Even Ascre’s response to the criticism is met with skepticism. Her attempts to explain her position on “decentering whiteness” fall on deaf ears, with Senator Vance accusing her of having “no idea” what she’s talking about. Ascre’s defiant and assertive tone only adds fuel to the fire, and conservatives are not having it.

Forbes’ silence on the matter is deafening, and it’s sure to ruffle the feathers of those who find comfort in their familiar, conservative echo chamber. In the battle against the leftist agenda of “decentering whiteness” in the workplace, conservatives are standing their ground and refusing to back down. It’s a clash of values, and the fight is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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