
Vogue Glamorizes Kamala Harris As Americans Face Real Crises

The leftist media is clearly throwing its weight behind Vice President Kamala Harris, with Vogue magazine undoubtedly leading the pack in the cheerleading department. The magazine seems to have gone all out, providing a glamorized and heavily airbrushed cover photo for its October issue, making Harris look more like a goddess than a politician. Critics have been quick to point out that this is classic progressive fluff, intended to prop up the Democratic nominee as she gears up for a potential presidential run.

The airbrushing and photoshopping on Harris’ Vogue cover have attracted ample criticism, as many observers believe the magazine took liberties to enhance her appearance in a way that defies reality. Social media users have had an absolute field day with the cover, comparing it to carnival funhouse mirrors. Instead of a national magazine boasting a realistic portrayal, some argued that “Vogue” should more accurately be renamed “Vague” given the discrepancy between the image and the truth.

Some commentators have even noted that while Harris graces the pages of Vogue, everyday Americans are dealing with real issues like Hurricane Helene’s aftermath. It seems like the only rescue operation Harris is performing is a public relations one, where glossy images take priority over pressing national concerns. The timing of the cover release couldn’t have been more tone-deaf, as those affected by the hurricane likely wouldn’t appreciate a reality distortion field being erected around their prospective president.

Of course, defenders of Harris are sticking to their playbook: deflect and compare her to former President Donald Trump. This strategy appears to be an attempt to bolster her with a false equivalency rather than addressing the groundswell of criticism surrounding her capabilities or even her appearance. Their approach mostly involves digging through old dirt on Trump, rather than acknowledging the elephant in the room – that Harris has faced her own unique challenges that a fancy magazine cover can’t fix.

CNN Style embraced its own biases by drawing contrasts between the new Vogue cover and a previous, more informal photoshoot, hoping to bolster the vice president’s image through a lens of nostalgia. However, that isn’t likely to convince anyone who can still recall her numerous gaffes and questionable decisions made in office. The notion that a magazine cover can boost a political career is absurd; even the most expertly airbrushed image can’t hide the fact that real political performance counts for more than any glitzy photoshoot. In the end, the pomp and circumstance surrounding Harris may just translate into more opportunities for comic relief rather than a serious path toward the presidency.

Written by Staff Reports

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