
Voters Outraged as Garland Shields Biden in Classified Docs Scandal

Looks like the liberals are at it again, pulling all the stops to protect their darling, President Joe Biden. The latest Rasmussen Reports survey paints a clear picture – American voters aren’t too pleased with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s antics, especially his refusal to release Biden’s rambling incoherent interviews about his classified document scandal. Garland’s strategy? Bury the evidence deep enough that even a special prosecutor walked away, convinced the jury would go easy on the old man with a slipping memory.

Now, before anyone jumps in saying Biden deserves a break in his twilight years, it’s just incredible how voters are fed up. By a healthy 47%-31% margin, they assert Garland’s culpability in this cover-up game. And get this, 44% believe the top lawman of the country belongs in prison for defying Congress. Only 35% are still sipping the Kool-Aid, thinking he’s innocent.

Who would’ve thought Garland would make bipartisan enemies? Sure, Republicans are leading the charge to see him behind bars – still smarting from unfair jailing of Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. But even 34% of Democrats and 37% of independents are now raising their eyebrows, questioning the selective justice meted out by Garland and his Justice Department crew. 


The survey data doesn’t lie – 62% of Republicans want Garland ousted from office and tossed into the clink over his blatant noncompliance with congressional subpoenas. Seems like “lawfare” isn’t just a clever term; it’s the Biden administration’s playbook. This gang of political puppeteers claims they aren’t targeting Trump or his allies, but their actions scream otherwise.

A contempt charge vote last week in the House didn’t phase Garland, who smugly ignored the demands for Biden’s interviews. Oh yes, good ol’ Inspector Clouseau, Robert Hur, was sniffing for those classified documents Biden allegedly lifted from the White House. But, shocker, Biden’s Justice Department won’t lay a finger on Garland for contempt, strengthening the GOP’s claim that the system treats Democrats with kid gloves while hammering Republicans.

Hur’s report was a mind-bender, detailing Biden’s confusion and disorientation, ultimately reasoning that prosecuting Biden would be a fool’s errand since a jury would see a bumbling elderly man and dismiss the case. Imagine if any Republican pulled a stunt like this – the handcuffs would be ready. But not with Biden; the old empathy card makes a surprise appearance, one Hur banked on, arguing the jury would be filled with bleeding hearts, making conviction impossible against “Uncle Joe.” The double standard is glaring, and voters know it.

Written by Staff Reports

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