
Watters Exposes COVID Fearmongering: Media Lies, Mask Madness & Pfizer Profits!

In a recent segment on Fox News, the always insightful and witty Jesse Watters took on the fearmongering tactics of the media when it comes to rising COVID cases and mask mandates. With his usual charm and intelligence, Watters set out to give viewers the whole truth, unlike those deceptive folks at NBC News.

According to Watters, the slight increase in COVID cases is nothing more than a normal seasonal and regional pattern. It happens every year, folks! Watters broke it down for us, explaining that the waves of COVID start in different parts of the country at different times. It’s like a resort vacation, with the virus traveling from New England in the spring, then heading north from Mexico in the summer, and finally spreading in all directions from the Dakotas in the fall. Who needs a travel agent when we have Jesse Watters to guide us through COVID geography?

But here’s the real kicker, my fellow conservatives. Deaths and hospitalizations are dramatically down from last year. I mean, come on! We should be more worried about falling down and hurting ourselves than catching the virus. Did you know that right now, there are more people in the hospital because they tripped and fell than there are with COVID? That’s right, folks. NBC News conveniently forgets to mention that little fact. But hey, who needs accurate data when you can just spew fear and control?

Speaking of control, let’s talk about these ridiculous mask mandates. Watters pointed out that Morris Brown College has implemented a mask mandate, even though they haven’t reported a single COVID case on campus. I guess they just really like the fashion statement masks provide. And it’s not just colleges, folks. Hollywood is getting in on the mask craze too. Apparently, a studio is requiring employees to wear N-95s. I mean, who needs to see a smile when you have that suffocating piece of fabric on your face, right?

But wait, there’s more. Watters also highlighted a segment from CBS’s “Face the Nation” where they talked about a highly mutated strain of COVID. But here’s the kicker, the expert they were talking to is on the board of Pfizer. Talk about a conflict of interest! Watters skillfully pointed out that this expert might just be pushing the mutant variant scare tactic to line corporate pockets. Bravo, Watters!

Now, my fellow conservatives, it’s time to see through the fearmongering, the deception, and the desire for control. Let’s not be manipulated by the media. Let’s trust Jesse Watters, our beacon of truth and common sense. And above all, let’s keep our heads held high, free from unnecessary mask mandates and the false narratives pushed by those who seek to control us. Stay strong, America!

Written by Staff Reports

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