
Weiss Exposes Hunter’s Lies: Sobriety Won’t Save Him Now!

In a stunning blow to Hunter Biden’s defense strategy, special counsel David Weiss has unveiled new indictments that target the heart of the embattled first son’s claims that his transgressions were a result of his battle with addiction. According to the latest filings, it appears that Hunter continued to break the law even after achieving sobriety. This revelation pokes holes in his narrative and raises questions about his true intentions.

Weiss and his team presented a comprehensive 56-page document to the U.S. Central District Court of California, outlining alleged misconduct by Hunter. The indictment alleges that even after gaining sobriety, Hunter failed to promptly file certain tax returns and make payments to reduce his tax obligations. The court filings reveal that Hunter only filed his outstanding 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns in 2020, while neglecting to direct any payments towards his tax liabilities for those years.

The indictment highlights Hunter’s extravagant spending habits, despite his delayed tax filings. From January to October 2020, Hunter received approximately $1.2 million in financial support from a personal friend. Shockingly, instead of using this money to fulfill his tax responsibilities, Hunter chose to maintain his lavish lifestyle, splurging on housing, media relations, accountants, lawyers, and even a Porsche. It is clear that his priorities were far from aligning with his legal obligations.

Over a span of three years from 2016 to 2018, Hunter reportedly spent a staggering $4.9 million on drugs, prostitutes, and luxury goods, rather than paying off his outstanding tax bills. It is important to note that during this period, he had already invested approximately $70,000 on sobriety programs to overcome his addiction issues. In further indictment, it is claimed that Hunter engaged in a four-year scheme to evade paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes for tax years 2016 through 2019.

The report also highlights Hunter’s significant income during this period, with him receiving over $7 million in total gross income from 2016 to October 15, 2020. Despite this substantial wealth, Hunter managed to evade his tax liabilities and instead relied on outside financial support to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

The appointment of special prosecutor Weiss has shed light on the systemic failure of the justice system to scrutinize Hunter’s wrongdoings. It is no secret that political ties have influenced previous decisions regarding Hunter’s legal troubles, as his charges were previously dismissed until whistleblowers within the IRS revealed political pressure and obstruction of their investigation, potentially implicating President Joe Biden.

On the defensive, Hunter and his legal team have taken an aggressive approach, offering to testify before House Republicans only if the hearing is held publicly. In a desperate attempt to shift blame, Hunter has penned an op-ed accusing Republicans of exploiting his legal predicament for personal gains. He has even gone as far as demanding a “meritless” subpoena for former President Donald Trump. These actions not only further highlight his disregard for accountability, but also his desire to deflect attention from his own misdeeds.

This ongoing legal saga weighs heavily on President Biden, who finds himself consumed by the actions of his troubled son. The president’s frustration is palpable as he lashes out at advisors who suggest he distance himself from Hunter. This situation exposes the inherent conflicts of interest that arise when a family member’s actions threaten the integrity and reputation of those in power.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, it is clear that Hunter Biden’s legal woes extend far beyond addiction. His failure to fulfill his tax obligations and blatant disregard for the law portray a troubling pattern of entitlement and privilege. The American people deserve transparency and accountability, regardless of political affiliations. It is essential that justice is served, and the truth prevails, even if it brings discomfort to the most powerful individuals in our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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