
White House and Media Scramble to Dismiss Biden Clips as Digitally Altered Fabrications

During Monday's press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre prattled on about so-called "cheap fakes," making the laughable claim over a dozen times that videos showing Biden's "concern moments" are just digitally altered fabrications. On cue, CBS News stepped in like the loyal lapdog it is to provide cover for Biden, showcasing a segment that might as well have been ghostwritten by Jean-Pierre herself. The audacity! Guy Benson nailed it as "surreal gaslighting," a term that perfectly captures the unholy alliance between Biden and his media cheerleaders.

So what was in this CBS fairy tale? Their segment targeted footage from the G7 Summit, where Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to pretty much babysit Biden by pulling him back. In all its glory, CBS called this clip another "cheap fake," claiming it had been digitally altered. Facing a tsunami of backlash, they yanked the segment, but like the dog chasing its tail, they reposted it again on Wednesday to equally disastrous results. These so-called experts, who claim they're battling "misleading video clips," even had the nerve to tell Americans that "CBS Confirmed" is one of the most credible sources out there.

It's almost stunning how much mental gymnastics CBS went through to label these videos as "misinformation," supposedly picked up by "news outlets that know better but post them anyway." CBS News Confirmed Executive Editor Rhona Tarrant got on her high horse, warning about a "steady stream of videos targeting Biden's age." Meanwhile, every concerned American can look at unedited footage of the President as he bumbles through names and sentences. No need for AI there!

Enter Brian Stelter, fresh out of the Vanity Fair echo chamber, returning to CNN to double down on the narrative. Host Abby Phillip claimed it will be "tricky for voters" to discern reality, suggesting that the average American voter can't tell a digitally altered clip from a genuine article. Stelter added fuel to the fire, insisting the White House is right to worry about these "distorted, out of context" videos. According to Stelter, the videos may be doctored, but the problem is real. Oh, the irony!

In the midst of this absurdity, Fox News' Howie Kurtz couldn't help but call out the charade. He went on-air to debunk Jean-Pierre's "cheap fake" narrative, pointing out that even Obama had to shepherd Biden off a stage last weekend. It was an unedited moment of glaring weakness, yet here we are being told it's all smoke and mirrors.

It's almost comical if it weren't so tragic. The mainstream media, the very same folks who wrote off Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian misinformation, are now warning us about "cheap fakes." This is the same crowd that sold America on the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and told us with straight faces that the Southern Border is secure. As they bend over backward to shield Biden from the inevitable truths of his own age and cognitive decline, Americans see through their laughable charade.

Written by Staff Reports

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