
White House Clueless on Cocaine Scandal – Will They Ever Answer?

The Biden administration’s lack of transparency regarding the cocaine found at the White House is deeply troubling. Despite the ever-evolving story surrounding the incident, they have steadfastly refused to be honest with the American people about where it was found. What are they trying to hide? The culprit already knows where they left it, so the only people they’re keeping in the dark is us. This is completely unacceptable.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates recently gave some responses that highlight just how little they think of us and our right to know what’s going on. When asked about the possibility of revealing the identity of the individual responsible for bringing cocaine into the White House, Bates merely deferred to the Secret Service. He wouldn’t even commit to transparency if they were able to determine who it was. This is shameful and needs to be called out by Congress and the media.

But it gets worse. When asked about speculation that the cocaine might belong to Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, Bates refused to give a straight answer. Instead, he deflected and mentioned the Hatch Act. It’s funny how they suddenly care about the Hatch Act when it comes to avoiding the Hunter question, but have no problem attacking former President Donald Trump. It’s clear that their excuse is just a smokescreen to avoid giving a direct answer.

And let’s not forget how ridiculous it is for Bates to attack Trump’s policies. Trump’s policies were far superior to Biden’s, and everyone knows it. They can feel it in their pocketbooks every day. The Biden administration clearly believes they have no obligation to be transparent with the American people. They have thrown transparency out the window, and it’s time for us to demand better.

Source: RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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