
White House Dismisses Biden’s Public Confusion as Fake Videos

On Monday, the White House came up with a new excuse to explain away Joe Biden’s public confusion. They are calling videos showing his forgetfulness and disorientation “cheap fakes.” These so-called fakes are supposedly manipulated videos meant to deceive viewers. The White House is scrambling to dismiss these videos as the work of right-wing critics with credibility issues.

The mainstream media, like The Washington Post and NBC News, quickly support the White House’s narrative. They are trying to downplay the videos showing Biden’s struggles by labeling them misleading. However, the truth is hard to ignore. The videos clearly demonstrate Biden’s difficulties in various public appearances.

Conservative media outlets are being bashed for highlighting these videos that showcase Biden’s lapses in memory and cognition. The White House is desperately trying to discredit these videos by claiming they are fabricated. However, no amount of denial can erase the public’s observations of Biden’s clear issues.

It is crucial to pay attention to what is evident in the videos rather than dismissing them as fake. Biden’s actions speak volumes about his mental acuity or lack thereof. The efforts to whitewash these concerning moments only raise more questions about his ability to lead effectively.

This relentless effort by Biden’s team to sweep his cognitive challenges under the rug is not fooling the American people. Holding our leaders accountable is vital; these videos remind us of the importance of transparency and honesty in governance.

Written by Staff Reports

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