
White House Glosses Over Inflation, Hails Biden as Economy’s Savior!

The White House is wrapping up 2023 by patting President Joe Biden on the back and hyping up his accomplishments. They’re really trying to convince everyone that Biden is the best thing since sliced bread, especially when it comes to the economy.

The White House communications director, Ben LaBolt, wrote a memo to remind everyone just how rough things were when Biden took office. He’s all like, “Hey, America was in a real pickle with the pandemic, a terrible economy, and that messy insurrection on January 6th. But look at us now!” It’s like he’s trying to sell everyone on the idea that Biden is the superhero who swooped in to save the day.

But let’s take a step back and think about this for a moment. Sure, the White House is talking a big game about Biden’s “impactful legislative record” and how he’s been working tirelessly to boost the economy. But let’s not forget about that pesky little thing called inflation. The White House admits that the inflation rate is still hanging out at 3.1%, but they’re quick to point out that Biden’s got a plan to lower costs. Yeah, okay, we’ll believe it when we see it.

And of course, they can’t resist taking a jab at the GOP. According to the White House, the Republicans are just a bunch of big spenders who want to give tax cuts to the rich and leave the rest of us holding the bag. They claim that the GOP doesn’t have a plan to lower costs and that their whole agenda is out of touch with regular Americans. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, look at those guys over there! They don’t have a clue how to run the country!”

The White House also wants everyone to remember Biden’s other so-called “accomplishments,” like standing up for democracies, canceling a bunch of student loan debt, focusing on gun violence prevention, and appointing a bunch of federal judges. They’re really trying to paint Biden as this do-gooder who’s been working non-stop for the American people.

But let’s get real for a second. The polls don’t lie, folks. Biden’s approval ratings are in the dumps, sitting at just 40%. Ouch. And with the 2024 election right around the corner, it’s not looking too good for ol’ Joe.

So, as the White House tries to spin all these tales about Biden’s greatness, don’t forget to keep a critical eye on their story. After all, it’s an election year, and everyone’s looking to make themselves look like the hero. But as they say, the proof is in the pudding. And right now, the pudding’s looking pretty flat.

Written by Staff Reports

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