
Whoopi Rewrites Bible, Ignores “Thou Shalt Not Kill” for Abortion Agenda

Whoopi Goldberg from “The View” caused a stir recently with her controversial comments about abortion and the Ten Commandments. The liberal co-host argued that because abortion is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments, it’s essentially fair game. She proclaimed that it’s a private matter between the individual, their doctor, and God, and that the ancient religious laws don’t have any jurisdiction in today’s world. Talk about twisting the truth to fit a narrative!

She even went so far as to interpret the Commandments, claiming that they are simply guidelines for making your life better and don’t have any bearing on modern moral issues. It’s like she’s taking a chisel to the stone tablets and rewriting the rules to suit her own agenda. Her fellow co-hosts tried to interject with some sense, but Goldberg was undeterred, dismissing the significance of “thou shall not kill” and pointing out that we allow things like wars and the death penalty anyway. What kind of logic is that?

Of course, Trump couldn’t resist weighing in on the controversy, expressing his support for in vitro fertilization and emphasizing the importance of letting individual states dictate their own abortion laws. And the social media sphere lit up with responses to “The View” hosts’ wild interpretation of the Ten Commandments, with one user pointing out the blatant misrepresentation of the religious laws.

The backlash from conservative voices was unsurprising, with the president of Students for Life highlighting the irony of disregarding “thou shalt not kill” when it comes to innocent unborn babies. Trump doubled down on his stance, reiterating his support for state-level decision-making on abortion and calling out the Democrats as the true extremists on the issue.

It’s no wonder that Goldberg’s comments sparked such a strong reaction. Twisting biblical principles and dismissing the sanctity of life to fit a pro-abortion narrative is nothing short of outrageous. But leave it to “The View” to serve up a hefty portion of left-wing propaganda to its viewers. It’s time to set the record straight and call out the absurdity of using the absence of a specific mention in the Ten Commandments to justify such a grave moral issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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