
Wild Biden Exclaims Absurd Gun Control Nonsense!

President Joe Biden once again made a fool of himself with his nonsensical ramblings and outlandish claims. In a speech on Friday, while pushing for his absurd gun control laws, Biden had the audacity to lie and declare that he has been to “every mass shooting.” It’s laughable to think that a man who can’t even remember who he’s talking to or what year it is would be able to keep track of every tragedy in the country. But this is just par for the course with Biden and his administration – they will say anything to push their radical agenda.

Not only did Biden fabricate his attendance at mass shootings, he also made another ridiculous claim. While introducing a 26-year-old House member to his new “violence office,” Biden claimed that he had to wait 17 days to become eligible to serve in the Senate, even though he was 29 years old at the time. It’s clear that Biden has a tenuous grasp on reality, but his supporters continue to make excuses for his incoherent ramblings.

And let’s not forget Biden’s absurd comments about the Second Amendment. He arrogantly stated, “If you need 80 shots in a magazine, you shouldn’t own a gun.” This just shows his complete ignorance on the issue. The Second Amendment is not about hunting or self-defense – it is about the right to protect oneself from a tyrannical government. It’s clear that Biden wants to strip law-abiding Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms, all in the name of “gun violence prevention.”

This latest display of Biden’s incompetence and disregard for the truth is truly embarrassing for our country. It’s time for Americans to wake up to the fact that we have a president who is more interested in pushing his radical agenda than in upholding the principles and values that have made our nation great. We deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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