
With Alarms Sounding, Ron Johnson Blasts New Mask Madness!

In a recent statement, Senator Ron Johnson expressed his concern and frustration over the return of mask and vaccine mandates. He referred to the mandates as “alarming” and criticized their effectiveness. Johnson promised to continue fighting against these mandates, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom.

Johnson specifically mentioned that masks, especially for children, have been proven to be ineffective. He pointed out that even though some masks, like N-95 masks, may have marginal benefits, they should not be used to restrict people’s freedom. Johnson’s stance on the return of mandates aligns with his skepticism towards federal vaccine mandates and his support for individuals who have suffered from COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

Furthermore, Johnson called on the Biden administration to acknowledge its failure in handling the pandemic. He blamed the pharmaceutical industry for having too much influence over federal health agencies and the media. According to Johnson, Big Pharma has captured not only the federal health agencies but also social media and mainstream media.

Overall, Senator Ron Johnson’s outspoken opposition to mask and vaccine mandates reflects his dedication to individual liberty and his perception of these mandates as ineffective and restrictive.

Written by Staff Reports

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