
Woke Activists Unleashed as Harvard President Resigns, Crying ‘Racist Mobs’

In a shocking turn of events, Claudine Gay has resigned from her position as president of Harvard University, causing an uproar among woke activists and Critical Race Theory (CRT) pushers. Gay’s resignation comes after weeks of being accused of plagiarism and facing criticism for her botched testimony before Congress on antisemitism. As reported by Breitbart News, her resignation makes her tenure as president the shortest in Harvard’s history.

Of course, the woke activists wasted no time taking to social media to express their outrage. Leading the charge was professor Ibram X. Kendi, who claimed that “racist mobs” were behind Gay’s resignation. According to Kendi, these mobs are determined to remove all black individuals from positions of power that do not align with their agenda of perpetuating “structural racism.” It’s important to note that these claims lack any evidence and seem nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory.

Joining the chorus of discontent was former Huffington Post reporter Marc Lamont Hill, who demanded that the next Harvard president be a black woman. This kind of identity politics only perpetuates division and undermines meritocracy. It should never be about the color of someone’s skin but rather their qualifications and abilities.

Wajahat Ali, a columnist for The Daily Beast, also chimed in, accusing “bad faith right wing actors” of playing a role in Gay’s resignation. This kind of finger-pointing is typical of the left-wing media who always try to blame conservatives for their own failures.

Lastly, Jemele Hill, a former ESPN reporter, took to Twitter to argue that black individuals are often assumed to be unqualified and only hired due to affirmative action. While affirmative action may have its merits, it is wrong to assume that all white individuals believe in their superiority. Such blanket statements only perpetuate racial tensions and division.

In the end, Gay’s resignation has become another flashpoint in the ongoing culture war. The woke activists are quick to claim racism and discrimination, but they fail to provide any evidence to back up their claims. It’s time to move away from identity politics and focus on qualifications and achievements rather than skin color. Harvard University should prioritize finding the best candidate for the job, regardless of their race or gender.

Written by Staff Reports

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