
Woke Culture Can’t Rewrite History.

The left’s obsession with rewriting history has reached absurd levels. Every day, it seems there’s a new demand to tear down statues, rename schools, or censor books. But history, with all its complexities and imperfections, must remain intact. It serves as a reminder of where we’ve come from and a guidepost for where we’re headed. Erasing or altering it to fit modern sensibilities is not only foolish but dangerous.

The latest craze involves the relentless crusade against our founding fathers. Yes, many of them were flawed men who lived in a time with different values. But their contributions to the birth of this great nation cannot be understated. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, despite their personal failings, laid the groundwork for a country built on liberty and justice. To judge them solely by today's standards is to ignore the context of their time and the monumental achievements they made.

Woke activists claim they are fighting for justice, but in reality, they are enforcing a new form of intolerance. Their mission to cleanse history of anything they deem offensive is nothing short of authoritarian. They’ve even targeted beloved American icons like Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. It’s a never-ending cycle of outrage that seeks to dismantle rather than understand our past. How can we learn from history if we erase it?

In schools across the country, students are being fed a sanitized version of American history. Critical race theory and other divisive ideologies are being pushed in classrooms, painting the United States as an irredeemably racist nation. This one-sided narrative not only sows division but also undermines the very principles of unity and equality that activists claim to champion. We need to teach our children the full, unvarnished truth about our history—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Moreover, this revisionist trend isn’t just confined to the classroom. It’s permeating every facet of American life, from entertainment to corporate culture. Movies and TV shows are being re-edited to remove "problematic" content, and companies are falling over themselves to appease the woke mob. This kind of cultural purging stifles creativity and free expression, leading to a society where fear of offense trumps the pursuit of truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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