
Woke Military Targets GOP Rep: Biden’s Attack on Free Speech?

The radical left has once again been caught red-handed, this time for monitoring a conservative Republican lawmaker for being a “security threat” due to her opposition to President Joe Biden’s left-leaning military policies. Representing the great state of Colorado, Representative Lauren Boebert took to Twitter on Saturday to reveal that she is indeed being closely watched by the Defense Department, despite being a law-abiding citizen who simply stands up for her beliefs.

“The woke military is a threat to our national security, and I refuse to sit back and watch as the Biden administration dismantles our military from within,” stated Boebert in a fiery tweet on Saturday. This is just another example of how the Democrats are using the government’s many resources to silence anyone who dares to oppose their far-left agenda.

This is not the first time that Boebert has raised the issue of Pentagon monitoring and its implications. She brought it up again at Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit over the weekend. It’s shocking that the Biden administration is targeting sitting representatives with the help of the Pentagon, and it begs the question of whether this type of targeting continues to take place behind closed doors?

The ongoing media attempts to dismiss the problematics of this scandal are concerning. The document displaying bias against conservatives is alarming, while its screenshots of sitting representatives potentially goes against the Pentagon’s role in relation to Congress. The Pentagon’s non-committal and ambiguous response, and lack of transparency, only further proved that these accusations are a result of the Biden administration’s unchecked bias against conservatives.

The woke Democrats have no respect for the constitution and the rule of law. The government’s job is to protect and defend its citizens and not use its resources to suppress the voices of those who disagree with them. It’s high time that the Biden administration respects the rights of all Americans, including those who don’t fit their partisan narrative.

Written by Staff Reports

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