In a shocking move, St. Philip’s College, part of the Alamo Community College District of Texas, has fired biology professor Johnson Varkey for teaching basic biology. Yes, you read that correctly – basic biology. For nineteen years, Dr. Varkey had been teaching about the biology of male and female as well as sexual dimorphism and bipolarity. However, he was terminated due to “several reports” of committing “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter.”
Biology, Bipolarity, and Accuracy In Education
— RedState (@RedState) June 22, 2023
It seems that the woke mob’s ideology has now infiltrated the teaching of science. As evolutionary biologists Jerry Coyne and Luana Maroja stated in the Skeptical Inquirer magazine, “Science instruction is increasingly a minefield due to its conflicts with gender ideology, which often does not acknowledge the biology of sex or deems it irrelevant.”
Despite the fact that the bipolarity of sex in mammals has always been a biological fact and not debatable, it seems that some people prefer to live in a world of their own creating. While it is true that there are genetic disorders that can cause sexual ambiguities in humans, they are rare and do not change the fact that human sex is bipolar. Humans are mammals, not amphibians or reptiles, and we do not have the capability to change sex or give birth without mating.
It is not only concerning that a science professor has been fired for teaching basic biology, but it is also concerning that academic freedom is being squashed. Dr. Varkey has been teaching for two decades and has exemplary performance reviews from his evaluations. He was fired because his teachings don’t accord with woke dogma, which has now seeped into science education.
Let’s be clear; telling the truth is not bigotry. Colleges are supposed to be institutions of higher learning where facts are taught, not ideologies. The firing of Dr. Varkey for telling the truth sets a dangerous precedent. Are we now at a point whereby colleges can fire biology professors for teaching basic biology? One has to wonder what the future of science education holds if we continue down this path.