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The Biden-Harris administration has managed to rack up an impressive collection of diplomatic and national security blunders that are worthy of a how-to guide on how not to conduct foreign policy. As they’ve stumbled through their tenure, the international community has watched in both disbelief and horror as they repeatedly put American interests on the back burner. From inept military withdrawals to actions that seem to embolden terrorists, the list of failures is enough to make anyone wonder if they’re serious about keeping America safe.

First on the list is the abysmal withdrawal from Afghanistan, which many are still referring to as the “Bungle in the Jungle” of foreign policy. In 2021, the U.S. military’s rushed exit resulted not only in a power vacuum that the Taliban promptly filled but also in the tragic loss of 13 U.S. service members. Many military families, particularly the loved ones of those fallen soldiers, have expressed their outrage, claiming the President seemed more interested in telling anecdotes about his late son than addressing their tragedy. This dramatic exit, complete with images of desperate Afghans clinging to aircraft, made for an oncoming wave of embarrassment that’s sure to follow the administration for years to come.

Then there’s the ongoing assault on U.S. military bases in the Middle East. Following the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, Iranian-backed militias have taken to launching a staggering 173 attacks on American facilities in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. While the White House boasts that no service members were lost in these skirmishes, they conveniently ignore that those US bases were under siege, and in one incident alone, five personnel were injured. It’s almost as if they think “no fatalities” is a solid track record, despite the continued risk faced by military personnel abroad.

And just when it seemed things couldn’t get worse, the Red Sea has erupted into chaos. The Houthis in Yemen have taken it upon themselves to turn U.S. military operations into a game of “Whack-a-Mole.” Although the Biden administration initially delisted the Houthis as a terrorist group, they’ve been forced into the uncomfortable position of reclassifying them as such after a barrage of attacks on U.S. ships and allies. Republicans are pointing fingers, arguing that if the administration had acted decisively against the Houthi rebels right out of the gate, American vessels wouldn’t be treated like piñatas in an increasing war zone.

Biden’s handling of tensions between Israel and Hamas is another glaring mistake. Many Americans, including a majority of voters, find his administration’s approach lacking. As demands for a ceasefire grow, critics argue Biden’s response has been tepid, failing to adequately support one of America’s staunchest allies while navigating the murky waters of humanitarian concerns. Meanwhile, the Vice President appears to have her own agenda, suggesting a shift away from a staunch pro-Israel stance in favor of a two-state solution that many believe could lead to more violence instead of peace.

Lastly, let’s talk about the southern border, a potential national security nightmare. Despite assurances from the Biden administration claiming that illegal crossings are down, the reality is far different. A surprising number of individuals are flowing across the border with minimal vetting, raising eyebrows about potential threats lurking within those unprocessed groups. Former officials have pointed out that this lax security could provide an open invitation for terrorists looking to infiltrate the United States. With Biden previously mocking his predecessor’s border wall efforts, the irony is rich as he now tweaks his position on border security—a move that has many shaking their heads in disbelief.

In conclusion, the Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy track record resembles a series of unfortunate events—each with catastrophic implications. Whether it’s disastrous military withdrawals, emboldened insurgents, or porous borders, there’s a consistent theme running through their governance: America’s national security is taking a backseat. The country deserves better than a leadership team that seems more preoccupied with appeasing foes than defending its citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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