
Xi’s ‘Peaceful’ Taiwan Ploy Unraveled! When Will Biden Stand Firm Against China?

The Chinese President Xi Jinping is at it again, folks! He’s out here, warning President Biden that he wants to end Taiwan’s de facto independence and reunite it with mainland China. But get this – he claims he wants to do it “peacefully, if possible.” Yeah, right! Peacefully like a fox in the henhouse. The nerve of this guy!

During a summit last month, Xi made it crystal clear to Biden that the timeline for this hostile takeover hasn’t been set in stone yet. He’s keeping his cards close to his chest, probably thinking he’s some kind of international poker champ. But we see right through it, don’t we, folks?

Of course, the White House didn’t deny the exchange. They were probably too busy trying to figure out how to spin it to the American people. And what’s with this National Security Council spokesman John Kirby saying he won’t “read out that private conversation”? If it’s so private, why are we hearing about it now, huh? The American people deserve to know what’s being said behind closed doors, especially when it involves a hostile foreign power like China.

But here’s the kicker – Xi supposedly said that his “preference is to take Taiwan peacefully, not by force.” Oh, give us a break! It’s like a bully saying, “I’d prefer not to take your lunch money by force, but if you don’t hand it over, I can’t guarantee what might happen.” And then there’s Biden, saying last year that US troops would defend Taiwan if it was threatened by Beijing. We’ll believe it when we see it, Mr. President!

Let’s not forget about Taiwan’s gutsy president, Tsai Ing-wen, who’s been standing up to Beijing and asserting Taiwan’s independence. Props to her for not backing down in the face of Chinese aggression. And speaking of Chinese aggression, let’s not overlook their other power moves in the South China Sea and Hong Kong. These guys are like the neighborhood bullies who just can’t help but throw their weight around.

And don’t even get us started on the Democrats and their cozy relationships with China. Hunter and James Biden raking in millions from Chinese state-linked entities? Then there’s the whole business deals scandal. It’s like a soap opera, except it’s our country’s integrity on the line. And let’s not forget about former President Trump pointing the finger at Biden, claiming he was “bribed and now he’s being blackmailed” by China. That’s some serious accusation right there!


Written by Staff Reports

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