
2024 Mystery Challenger Pledges Allegiance to Trump!

In a stunning twist in the 2024 Republican primary race, former candidate Perry Johnson has thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump. Johnson, a rich businessman from Michigan, broke the news on X (formerly Twitter) this morning with a bold announcement: “Now that I’ve quit my campaign, I’m officially endorsing @realDonaldTrump for President of the United States. We need to beat @joebiden and save this country, and only Donald Trump can make it happen.”

Johnson made it clear in his press release that Trump’s impressive track record during his previous term played a major role in his decision. With peace agreements, no new wars, and a thriving economy, Trump has proven himself to be the best choice for president. “I stood by President Trump in 2016 and 2020, and I’m proud to give him my full support once again as he goes for the Republican nomination in 2024,” Johnson cheered.

This endorsement adds Johnson’s name to the growing list of Republicans who have rallied behind Trump. Just last week, former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal threw his weight behind Trump, giving him a resounding endorsement. As the 2024 elections inch closer, the race for Speaker of the House is also heating up. Following Rep. Jim Jordan’s withdrawal last week, a whopping nine candidates are now vying for the coveted position.

Written by Staff Reports

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