
Kevin O’Leary Teams Up with Trump for Conservative Resurgence

Mark Cuban may be taking a long timeout from the political arena after his ill-fated endorsement of Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, his “Shark Tank” counterpart, Kevin O’Leary, has dived headfirst into the fray, hosting a cozy get-together with none other than Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. It appears that for O’Leary, Mar-a-Lago is the new center of the political universe, rivaling the likes of Davos.

O’Leary spent the weekend rubbing shoulders with the former president and Alberta’s Premier Danielle Smith, both of whom appear to be on the same wavelength when it comes to pro-growth policies and a strong relationship with the U.S. According to O’Leary, this trip wasn’t just a social visit; it was a critical move to reinforce the economic bond between Alberta and America, especially in energy—a topic that should get any red-blooded conservative’s heart racing. He emphasized that Alberta has a staggering amount of oil and gas, surpassing even the United States.

In a world where politics can feel like a game of chess played by zombies, O’Leary confidently designated Smith as a beacon of rational decision-making in Canada, contrasting her two-day visit to Mar-a-Lago with Justin Trudeau and his team’s paltry two hours. It seems O’Leary thinks Smith’s savvy and prolonged engagement with Trump speaks volumes about her commitment to Alberta’s economic interests, and he pulled no punches about the potential gloom tied to a potential Mark Carney-led government.

Smith didn’t just talk shop; she championed a metaphor that’s sure to resonate with any conservative who understands the bond between Alberta and the U.S.—she likened their longstanding relationship to marriage. While couples may quarrel, she noted, the extensive history means they’ll always work things out in the end. This clever imagery highlights her awareness of the ongoing complexities in international relations, and it looks like she’s ready to weather the storms that might come her way.

With O’Leary claiming a “red wave” of conservatism is sweeping across Canada, suggesting that the political winds are shifting away from the clutches of “King Justin Trudeau,” the mood feels electric for Alberta’s leadership and its relationship with Trump. Ultimately, O’Leary championed Smith as not just a capable leader, but as someone whose forward-thinking tactics could set a new path for Canadian-American relations. If O’Leary has his way, Alberta could emerge as the oil powerhouse it was meant to be, bound not only by resources but by a robust political alliance with its neighbor to the south.

Cuban may have retreated in the wake of political embarrassment, but O’Leary and Smith are forging ahead, armed with pragmatism and ambition. If this alliance proves successful, conservatives could find themselves toasting to the triumphs awaiting north of the border, with Alberta being the star of the show. It’s a new day for Canadian politics—or, as O’Leary would put it, a chance for some much-needed marital counseling.

Written by Staff Reports

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