
Biden Admin Caught Pressuring Snopes to Alter Gas Stove Ban Facts

The Biden administration’s shady tactics have been exposed once again, this time in a scandal involving the fact-checking website Snopes. This revelation was brought to light by a watchdog group that obtained internal emails, shedding light on the administration’s efforts to pressure Snopes into changing its rating on the accuracy of a potential federal gas stoves ban.

It all started when commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. of the Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the idea of banning gas stoves in a misguided effort to combat climate change. This prompted Snopes to issue a “mixture” rating on the accuracy of the claim. However, after some apparent arm-twisting by the CPSC, Snopes quietly backtracked and downgraded the rating to “false,” despite the fact that the original claim had merit.

The emails obtained by the watchdog group revealed the CPSC’s spokesperson, Pamela Rucker Springs, boasting about sending a tough letter to a writer at Snopes when the initial claim was only rated as “mixed.” This underhanded pressure from the government led to a swift about-face from Snopes, which conveniently changed its rating to appease the White House.

Not surprisingly, the White House was overjoyed by this development, with White House assistant press secretary Michael Kikukawa expressing his delight in response to the news. The fact that the administration was elated about successfully influencing a fact-checking website speaks volumes about its commitment to manipulating the truth to fit its narrative.

The CPSC’s spokeswoman, Pamela Rucker Springs, tried to downplay the controversy, claiming that they were simply ensuring accurate reporting. However, the revelation of these emails clearly exposes the administration’s use of sympathetic media to censor inconvenient news and push its agenda.

This scandalous episode serves as yet another example of the Biden administration’s willingness to go to great lengths to control the flow of information and suppress dissenting viewpoints. It is a dangerous affront to free speech and independent journalism, and it underscores the urgent need for transparency and accountability in government.

In response, Snopes attempted to save face by stating that they were not “pressured” to change their fact-check rating. However, the timing of the change and the emails that surfaced suggest otherwise, casting doubt on Snopes’ credibility and independence.

This disgraceful display of collusion between the government and a fact-checking website raises serious concerns about the erosion of journalistic integrity and the manipulation of public discourse. The American people deserve better than a government that seeks to control the narrative and stifle opposing viewpoints. It is imperative that we hold the Biden administration accountable for its egregious attempts to manipulate the truth for its own benefit, and demand a return to honest and unbiased reporting.

Written by Staff Reports

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