
Biden Admin Spends $128 Million on Gender Ideology Instead of Basics

In the latest installment of “What Are They Doing with Our Money?”, a recent analysis from the American Principles Project has unveiled a staggering figure: the Biden administration has poured over $128 million into a cornucopia of gender ideology grants. That’s right, hard-earned taxpayer dollars are being funneled into initiatives better suited for an avant-garde art exhibit than responsible government spending.

The report, titled “Funding Insanity: Federal Spending on Gender Ideology under Biden-Harris,” lays bare a shocking reality. From the Health and Human Services Department alone, a jaw-dropping $84 million has been sloshed around through 60 grants. This kind of cash could build hospitals, bolster schools, or even fund border security, but nope, it’s going toward the Gender Industrial Complex instead. Apparently, someone mistook the federal budget for a trendy LGBTQ+ club.

Among the agencies doling out these questionable grants, the Department of State stands out for its impressive quantity. With 209 grants totaling over $14 million, it’s like they’re running a small government version of a reality show—“Keeping Up with the Gender Transitioners.” Other agencies on the list include the U.S. Agency for International Development, which contributed nearly $18 million, and notably, even the National Endowment for the Humanities, which usually deals with the study of “serious” topics, committed more than $2.6 million to this baffling cause.

What are taxpayers actually funding with this mountain of money? For example, some choice items in this funding spree include $3.9 million for a project in Uganda that aims to promote the “well-being” of LGBTQI+ individuals. This sounds great until one realizes that the average American would probably prefer their tax dollars to go towards, say, preventing potholes on suburban streets instead of international gender advocacy. Perhaps those funds would’ve been better spent on advice about how to keep bad ideas from floating across the ocean.

Some eyebrow-raising grants under Biden’s regime have included a now-cancelled $600,000 payment from the Department of Agriculture to a Louisiana university. The goal? Research into menstruation and menopause—not for women, mind you, but also considering “biological men.” There’s an extraordinary amount of mental gymnastics that goes into convincing taxpayers that such studies are necessary. This would be laughable if it weren’t so alarming. One can almost picture a bureaucrat saying, “Well, we’re already spending your money, so why not throw in some confusion about periods while we’re at it?”

To top it all off, Congress is too busy playing games to stop this madness. It’s like they’re passing the buck as they approve budgets without a second glance at how their funds are being used. The spending spree on gender-oriented grants raises significant questions about prioritizing issues that matter to everyday Americans. While the Biden administration may get a Medal of Honor for inclusivity, average taxpayers just want their dollars spent in a way that makes sense—like fixing bridges that don’t crumble like sour bread from a gas station bakery.

Written by Staff Reports

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