
Biden Admin Surrenders to Hamas: Says Israel Can’t Win!

In a recent report, NBC News revealed that the Biden administration has been pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to adopt different tactics in his country’s fight against Hamas. According to unnamed American government officials, the State Department’s official position is that Hamas cannot be defeated. The White House apparently intends to maneuver behind Netanyahu’s back to achieve its goals for the Gaza Strip, with the understanding that he will eventually leave office. Israel has been engaged in ongoing conflict in Gaza since the terror attacks on October 7th, which originated from that area. Netanyahu has made it clear that his objective is to rid Gaza of Hamas, following the unprovoked and historic violence.

During a conversation with Netanyahu, Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested that Israel consider a two-state solution for resolving the conflict. However, the report indicates that Netanyahu rejected this and other requests. While he did agree to refrain from launching an offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Netanyahu was reportedly unwilling to accept the Biden administration’s position that military force will not bring a resolution with Hamas. Blinken warned that without recognizing this, the cycle of violence will persist. However, Israeli officials made it clear that Netanyahu remained firm in his stance.

In response to Netanyahu’s opposition to a Palestinian state, the Biden administration reportedly plans to look to potential successors for assistance in advancing their goals for the region. It seems that the White House is frustrated with Netanyahu’s refusal to endorse a two-state solution, especially after Arab leaders, such as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, expressed willingness to help rebuild Gaza on the condition that Palestinians are offered statehood. Blinken has also acknowledged that Arab countries are reluctant to contribute to Gaza’s reconstruction without a long-term peace agreement in place. Despite these efforts, none of Israel’s Arab neighbors have offered to take in Palestinians who may be affected by the conflict.

The report concludes by stating that in an attempt to work around Netanyahu, Blinken has held separate meetings with members of Israel’s war Cabinet and other Israeli leaders, including opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid. The Biden administration is seemingly determined to pursue its objectives in the region, with or without Netanyahu as Prime Minister.

Written by Staff Reports

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