
Biden Blasts Israel! Meddles in Affairs, Ignores Hamas Threat!

In a recent private fundraiser in Washington, DC, President Joe Biden took shots at our dear ally, Israel, and its Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The Times of Israel reported that Biden accused Israel of “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza, with no evidence to back up his claim. This is a slap in the face to Israel, who has been defending itself against the terrorist organization, Hamas.

Not only did Biden attack our ally, but he also meddled in their internal affairs by suggesting that Netanyahu should replace members of his democratically-elected government and accept a Palestinian state. Who does Biden think he is, telling another country how to run their government? That’s just plain rude.

This isn’t the first time Biden has shown his disdain for Netanyahu. He has previously refused to meet with him and has criticized the makeup of Israel’s government. It’s high time Biden learns some manners and respects the sovereignty of other nations, especially those who have been loyal allies to the United States.

Biden’s claim about Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” is utterly preposterous. The Israel Defense Forces have been careful and strategic in their military actions, and they have presented evidence to prove it. But Biden seems more interested in attacking Israel than in acknowledging the complexities of the situation in the Middle East.

It’s absolutely absurd for Biden to dictate to Israel how to handle its security and diplomatic policies. Netanyahu has every right to oppose the U.S. insistence on rewarding Palestinians with a state, especially in the wake of recent terror attacks. Israel’s internal affairs should be none of Biden’s business, and it’s time for him to stop meddling and show some respect for our allies.

Written by Staff Reports

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