
Biden Buckles Under Pressure from Progressive Dems on Israel Issue

President Joe Biden, a long-time friend of Israel, recently expressed his unwavering support for the Jewish state in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks. While many Democrats back his stance, there are some within the progressive “Squad” who have taken a more equivocal position, calling for a ceasefire or criticizing both sides. These lawmakers, such as Reps. Tlaib, Bush, Bowman, and Omar, have made outrageous claims about Israel being an “apartheid state” and have called for an end to U.S. funding.

Even some college students, like those from Harvard, have absurdly placed the blame solely on Israel for the violence. It’s astonishing to see how misguided some of these individuals are, but it’s not surprising given the left’s growing disdain for Israel. In fact, a Gallup poll from March showed that nearly half of Democrats sympathize more with Palestinians than Israelis.

Despite this growing divide within his own party, President Biden has remained resolute in his support for Israel. He understands the importance of standing strong against terrorism and making sure that Israel can defend itself. The White House even lit up in the colors of the Israeli flag to show solidarity.

While Republicans have been quick to condemn the Democrats’ equivocation, they should also address the dysfunction within their own party. The House of Representatives is unable to respond effectively due to a lack of leadership, and Senator Tuberville is hindering the promotion of leaders in our Middle East battle command. These failures make the Republicans’ criticism of the Democrats seem like a joke.

In the end, Biden’s decisive action and strong stance on national security will likely win him support from the majority of Americans. The fringe left may voice their opposition with pro-Hamas rallies, but their numbers and influence are limited. It’s clear that Biden’s leadership is needed during this crisis, and his history of supporting Israel will ultimately benefit him as he navigates the complexities of the situation. He understands the gravity of the terrorist attacks and recognizes them as acts of pure evil.

Written by Staff Reports

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