
Biden Displays Confusion and Impatience at Joint Press Conference with Kenyan President

Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto held a press conference together, but not without the typical delays that seem to follow Biden wherever he goes. The event started an hour late, which shows a lack of respect for everyone’s time. It’s important for leaders to be punctual and considerate, qualities that seem to be lacking in this administration.

During the conference, Biden and Ruto discussed Kenya’s potential assistance in bringing order to Haiti and addressing debt issues in African nations. While private sector financing can be beneficial, Biden couldn’t resist pushing for more government involvement and spending. This is a classic example of Democrats always defaulting to big government solutions instead of trusting the private sector to thrive.

Biden’s confusion throughout the conference was evident. From not knowing Kamala Harris’ correct title to misstating the population of Africa, he continually showed a lack of knowledge and preparedness. It’s concerning that the leader of our country is consistently making these embarrassing mistakes on a global stage.

In addition, Biden’s reaction to a reporter wanting to ask two questions was uncalled for. By snapping and insisting on only answering one question, Biden displayed a lack of patience and willingness to engage with the media. This behavior is unbecoming of a president and undermines the importance of a free press holding leaders accountable.

Overall, this press conference highlighted Biden’s shortcomings in leadership, knowledge, and temperament. It’s crucial for our country to have a competent and composed leader, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden may not be up for the task.

Written by Staff Reports

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