
Biden Distances from Full-Term Abortion, Kennedy Flips Amid Debate

President Joe Biden has made it clear that he does not support full-term abortions, as stated by his campaign spokeswoman, Lauren Hitt. The president believes that Roe v. Wade got it right regarding abortion. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has drawn criticism from conservative politicians and influencers for his comments supporting abortion up until birth. Kennedy later appeared to walk back his stance, acknowledging a consensus emerging that abortion should be legal up until a certain number of weeks and restricted thereafter.

Abortion is a deeply divisive issue in America, with voters holding varied viewpoints. Polls have shown that the majority of voters do not believe abortion up until birth should be legal. According to a 2022 Pew Research poll, only 19% of voters support abortion with no restrictions, while a 2023 Marist poll found that 22% support abortion at any time during pregnancy.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to the White House, the Biden campaign, and the Kennedy campaign for further comments on this matter.

Written by Staff Reports

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