
Biden Dodges Debates, Trump Ready to Face Off

In recent news, the Biden campaign has officially declined to participate in the Presidential Debates Commission. Despite President Trump’s repeated calls for debates, Joe Biden’s campaign is now setting a different agenda.

Rather than engaging in the three scheduled debates for the fall, Biden is pushing for two televised debates, one in June and one in September. Trump has been open to debating, while the Biden campaign has been wishy-washy on the subject.

Many have noted Biden’s struggles with public speaking and off-the-cuff remarks, which could be a reason for his hesitation to participate in traditional debates. Trump has been vocal about his readiness to debate Biden anytime, anywhere, and is even willing to provide his own transportation.

This move by the Biden campaign to bypass the Presidential Debates Commission showcases a lack of transparency and a fear of facing opponents head-on. It raises questions about Biden’s ability to stand up to scrutiny and engage in open dialogue with the American people.

In the conservative viewpoint, Biden’s reluctance to participate in the scheduled debates is a sign of weakness and an attempt to avoid accountability. Trump’s willingness to debate highlights a stark contrast in leadership styles and a commitment to transparency and open discussion.

Written by Staff Reports

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