
Biden Escapes Classified Docs Drama, Gets Free Pass!

Once again, the Democrats are showing their true colors when it comes to following the rules. President Joe Biden has been caught red-handed with classified documents, yet it seems that no criminal charges will be filed against him. It’s just another case of “rules for thee, not for me” from the Democrat party.

According to sources, Special Counsel Robert Hur, who is investigating Biden for mishandling documents, has concluded that there are no grounds to charge the president. This is despite the discovery of top-secret classified documents at Biden’s Delaware home and Philadelphia office. It’s a slap in the face to the American people that Biden will apparently face no consequences for his actions.

Meanwhile, former President Trump is facing unfair prosecution for nearly the same thing. It’s clear that there is a double standard at play here. Trump is already facing a May 2024 trial date, while Biden gets off scot-free. It’s yet another example of how the justice system is severely flawed.

While Hur’s investigation may criticize Biden and his staff for their handling of sensitive materials, it seems that they will only receive a slap on the wrist. It’s a disappointing outcome and shows that the Democrats are once again getting away with breaking the rules.

But the story doesn’t end here. Biden will still be under investigation by the House impeachment inquiry. Former White House Counsel Dana Remus has been subpoenaed, and Oversight Committee Chair James Comer has requested interviews with four more White House employees involved in the alleged mishandling of classified material. It’s clear that this issue is far from over, and the truth will eventually come to light.

It’s essential that we hold our elected officials accountable, regardless of their party affiliation. We cannot stand for this kind of favoritism and double standard. The American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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