
Biden-Harris Administration Fails to Track Nearly 300000 Unaccompanied Migrant Children

The border crisis has taken an alarming twist as recent reports reveal the staggering failure of the Biden-Harris administration to keep track of unaccompanied migrant children. While the Left was busy with their manufactured outrage over “kids in cages” back in 2019, it’s clear the current administration has turned a blind eye to an even graver situation. The Democrats have changed the narrative, but the reality remains that nearly 300,000 undocumented minors are currently unaccounted for, and the response from the media has conveniently gone silent.

In a blast from the past, remember the days when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was down at the border, decked out in white for a photo-op, labeling facilities as concentration camps? Such dramatic theatrics seem like a distant memory now, as the current plight of these children under Vice President Kamala Harris’s watch is being largely ignored. Once quick to blame the Trump administration for every single mishap, the media is instead downplaying the chaos taking place under their preferred administration through vague references like “The Department of Homeland Security.” It’s like a magician’s trick—just a wave of the hand, and poof, no accountability for Harris and her team.

The Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general has brought to light a chilling revelation: over the last five years, thousands of unaccompanied minors have vanished into thin air, and ICE has shown itself incapable of tracking their whereabouts. The report exposes serious concerns about these children’s safety, suggesting that they could easily fall victim to trafficking or exploitation. Such a revelation raises questions about how the same officials who decried the previous administration’s handling of border policies can now remain disturbingly quiet while the situation worsens drastically.

Interestingly, the crisis unfolded during both the Trump and Biden administrations, but the truth is hard to ignore—these issues have dramatically escalated over the past three years. A conservative commentator brought attention to the mind-boggling increase in unaccompanied minors’ cases; in fact, the figure sits at an astonishing 54,945.9 percent increase. Harris, who holds the title of Border Czar, has a heavy burden on her shoulders. Instead of addressing this calamity head-on, she appears preoccupied with furthering her own political ambitions while these vulnerable children languish in uncertainty.

The evidence from the interim report paints a stark picture of duplicated failures, with ICE transferring over 448,000 unaccompanied children to the Department of Health and Human Services without a reliable system to monitor them thereafter. This chaotic system has consequences. When these children miss immigration court hearings, delays mount until judges are left with no choice but to issue deportation orders. All the while, the Biden administration is all but silent, and ICE asserts its commitment to these children’s well-being, but who can feel reassured by that when the track record speaks volumes of inadequacy?

As the Biden-Harris administration continues to dodge responsibility, it’s crucial for the Republican campaign to wield this issue like a weapon. Kamala Harris may prefer to focus on her trendy policies and talking points, but the truth of the matter is that she has a massive crisis on her hands. The burden of nearly 300,000 kids unaccounted for hangs heavily over her, and if the Trump campaign plays their cards right, they can remind voters of this reality at every turn. The American people deserve answers, and it is time for Harris to face the consequences of her administration’s incompetence head-on.

Written by Staff Reports

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