The latest drama on the political stage centers on Stephanie Grisham, who recently decided to wander over to the dark side and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention. Grisham, once a staunch defender of President Trump as his press secretary, now claims that she has seen the light—or perhaps the glitter of a Democratic platform promising everything and nothing all at once.
In her newfound role as a never-Trumper, Grisham is doing her best to paint Trump as a villain, alleging that he privately ridiculed the very supporters who cheered him on. According to Grisham, Trump had some less than flattering nicknames for those who believed in his America First agenda. Although it’s unclear what bare-knuckle tactics are going on behind the scenes at the DNC, Grisham has decided that aligning herself with the left is a better career move than continuing to fight for conservative values.
Ex-Trump aide Stephanie Grisham says he called his supporters ‘basement dwellers’
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) August 21, 2024
Her resignation on January 6, 2021, amid the Capitol protests has become her badge of honor—one she seems eager to flaunt like a trophy of virtue signaling. She claims her departure was due to an inability to partake in the “insanity,” which raises the eyebrow of anyone who remembers how she operated in the press office. It’s also worth noting that during her very short tenure as press secretary, she stood out for one remarkable achievement: never holding a single press briefing. Some might even argue that her entire role was more of a vacation than a job.
Grisham’s new love for Kamala Harris and her claim of prioritizing her country over party loyalty has all the sincerity of a used car salesman in an empty lot. Advocating for a vice president who has only managed to preside over a rapidly deteriorating image of the Democratic Party shows how far Grisham has fallen from her Trump days. But, of course, joining the left does seem to offer a more forgiving crowd for those who wish to wash the stains of their past loyalties.
In the end, Grisham’s pivot from one side of the aisle to the other not only exemplifies the fickleness of political allegiance but also offers a glaring reminder of why conservatives should remain vigilant. If nothing else, her endorsement proves that in modern politics, it can sometimes feel like the only loyalty that matters is to oneself—especially when it’s time to cash in on the next opportunity for public attention on liberal airwaves.