Looks like the circus is back in town, and this time, it’s making a pit stop at the NAACP National Convention, complete with its favorite ringmaster, President Joe Biden. In his latest act of political theater, Biden hinted that Vice President Kamala Harris might just be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office—literally.
In a speech riddled with the usual Democrat pandering, Biden took a moment to pat himself on the back for what he likely considers his shining achievement: appointing people based on identity politics rather than anything remotely resembling merit. Taking center stage was Kamala Harris, whose resume, according to Biden, now includes a possible upgrade to President.
With the kind of reception usually reserved for the finale of a Broadway show, Biden’s proclamation was greeted by cheers and chants of “four more years.” One has to wonder if the crowd was clapping for Biden himself or the potential of a Harris presidency.
.@JoeBiden suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris could become president during a speech at the NAACP National Convention in Las Vegas.
DETAILS: https://t.co/zRbfSB27eH#biden #harris #presidentharris #naacp #vegas #election2024 #washingtonexaminer pic.twitter.com/jhorwPqANm
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) July 17, 2024
This little nugget of information shouldn’t come as a surprise, especially with the increasing whispers (shouts, really) about Biden’s mental fitness. The Democratic Party has been riddled with concerns about his, let’s say, less-than-stellar cognitive performances. The suggestion that Harris could take over isn’t just a slip of the tongue; it’s practically an invitation to speculate about Biden’s ability to complete another term—and whether Democrats are ready to pull the plug on his campaign.
Biden’s entire speech, delivered at the NAACP conference, felt like a desperate attempt to cling to the minority vote. After all, everyone knows the Democrats’ strategy is to promise the world and then deliver a whole lot of nothing. Biden needs these voters to forgive his failings and push him over the finish line come November. If the Democrats know one thing, it’s how to turn on the charm when they need votes the most.