
Biden Immigration Policy Overwhelms ICE with 7.4 Million Cases

ICE’s Non-Detained Docket Is Overflowing

The Biden administration’s plan for keeping tabs on migrants caught at the border and then let go has hit a major roadblock. The non-detained docket, part of their program to avoid detaining immigrants, has grown to a staggering 7.4 million under Biden’s rule. With just 6,000 deportation officers trying to manage 7,000 illegal immigrants each, it’s impossible to ensure they show up for court or stay out of trouble.

On top of the 7.4 million in this program, there are an additional 1.9 million individuals who got away and are now the responsibility of these same deportation officers. The program was supposed to help these noncitizens comply with their release conditions and show up for court appearances. But let’s face it, following release conditions isn’t rocket science – just don’t break the law. Unfortunately, even if they do commit crimes, actually deporting them is another hurdle altogether.

The growing crisis highlights a glaring weakness in the nation’s security, according to former FBI Director Chris Swecker. The sheer number of cases each ICE officer is handling is overwhelming, and it’s only getting worse as more and more migrants cross the border. This flood of cases is expected to reach over 8 million by the end of the fiscal year. 


Even if lawmakers had managed to pass an immigration reform bill, ICE would still be woefully under-resourced to handle this escalating crisis. Given the current state of affairs, with a deficit of $700 million due to funding limitations and the increasing costs of managing detention facilities and deportation efforts, the situation is dire.

Critics argue that Biden’s lenient immigration approach signifies a push for open borders. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green accuses Biden and his team of deliberately releasing illegal immigrants en masse into American communities, defying the laws that demand their detention.

As the mid-term elections draw near, the American people will have a chance to voice their opinions on Biden’s immigration policies. The public’s dissatisfaction with his approach, as shown in recent polls, may spell trouble for the administration as voters prioritize the issue of immigration.

In the face of this significant crisis, it is clear that a tougher stance on border security is needed to uphold the rule of law and protect American communities. The widespread disapproval of Biden’s immigration policies indicates a growing sentiment for stricter measures to curb illegal immigration and ensure the safety and well-being of all Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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