
Biden Off Rails with Bogus Train Tale Amid Disastrous Econ Woes

Folks, it’s like déjà vu all over again! The president has found himself in another tall tale tangle, and this time it’s about his wild train adventures in Baltimore. It turns out, ol’ Joe Biden claimed to have crossed a bridge there many times on the choo-choo, but surprise, surprise, it’s just another made-up memory from his favorite storyteller: himself. The guy has such an intense need for attention that he’ll say just about anything to make himself sound more interesting. It’s like pathological levels of self-absorption, folks.

And let’s not forget his recent visit to Wisconsin, where he was busy peddling his illegal and unfair student loan debt “forgiveness” scheme. Not only is it bad economics, but it’s also fundamentally unjust to the vast majority of hardworking Americans. But that’s not the worst part, folks. During his time in the Badger State, Biden decided to grace the audience with yet another relatability anecdote, claiming he was the first in his family to go to college. But surprise, surprise, that’s a big old fib, folks! It’s classic Joe Biden to brag about being a trailblazer for his family’s education, but then turn around and boast about his grandpappy’s collegiate adventures.

And this isn’t the first time ol’ Joe has been caught spinning a yarn, not by a long shot. Back in the 1980s, he got busted for plagiarizing a British politician’s speech and even tried to pass off the same guy’s life story as his own. Like, come on, man! Has this guy ever told a fully honest story, especially about his own education?

But folks, let’s be real here. This might just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Biden’s storytelling shenanigans. I mean, voters have been electing this guy for half a century, despite all the evidence of his buffoonery. But with his mental faculties on the decline and the economy taking a nosedive thanks to his policies, this could finally be the end of the road for ol’ Joe. Hey, the numbers don’t lie—under Biden, inflation has skyrocketed, with prices soaring for things like car insurance, baby formula, and even your furry friend’s vet bills. It’s like prices are jumping an average of nearly 20% across the board. Ouch!

In short, it looks like the president’s fairy tales might finally catch up to him, especially as the economy continues to nose-dive. And let’s face it, folks—this guy’s track record is way above expectations, but not in a good way.

Written by Staff Reports

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