
Biden Prioritizes Illegal Immigrants with New DACA Anniversary Plans

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden are hosting an event to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. They plan to announce immigration reform to speed up the process for about 500,000 illegal immigrants to obtain legal residency in the United States. The reforms will reportedly focus on the spouses of U.S. citizens.

DACA, which was initially signed into law by former President Barack Obama in 2012, allows undocumented children to avoid deportation and provides them with a pathway to become citizens. This program was terminated by former President Donald Trump and subsequently reinstated by President Biden.

Conservative critics argue that the Biden administration’s focus on immigration reform is misguided and dangerous. They assert that prioritizing illegal immigrants over the needs of American citizens and legal immigrants is unfair and harmful to the country. They also believe that such actions will only encourage further illegal immigration and create more strain on the country’s resources.

Furthermore, some conservative voices argue that the DACA program incentivizes illegal immigration, as it offers a potential reward for those who enter the country unlawfully. They argue that this approach undermines the rule of law and sends the wrong message to those considering illegal entry into the United States.

In sum, conservative critics of the Biden administration’s immigration policies view the DACA program and the proposed immigration reforms as detrimental to the interests of American citizens and legal immigrants. They urge the administration to prioritize enforcing immigration laws and safeguarding the country’s borders rather than providing incentives for illegal immigration.

Written by Staff Reports

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